Shannon Park Personal Technology Policy
We all want students to become positive, contributing citizens in all aspects of their lives, including interactions they may have in the digital world. Engaging students in ongoing conversations about what it means to be responsible citizens in the digital world is key and a partnership between home and school. Conversations about digital citizenship should guide and empower students on how to make thoughtful and reflective decisions and how to develop a positive presence online. It is important that students learn how to demonstrate empathy towards others in both the real and the digital worlds. For this to happen, we need to have continual, authentic, and reflective conversations with students. Ongoing conversations about digital citizenship guide and empower children on how to make thoughtful and reflective decisions when using technology.
The link below provides tabs that direct you to questions and information to help facilitate these at-home conversations. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Questions that Guide At Home Conversations”
To learn more about having conversations with your child at home regarding digital citizenship and technology use; check out Common Sense Media’s online page, “Parents Need to Know” by clicking the link:
Please review the following regarding cell phones, SMART watches, and social medias that is in effect for all students at Shannon Park Elementary School:
Cell Phones & SMART Watches
Students are accessing personal devices including cell phones and SMART watches at earlier ages than what we may have seen in previous years. We know that some students are using cell phones as a means for communication with family members before/after school hours. As a reminder, cell phones and SMART watches are not to be used during the school hours for any reasons. Students who choose to bring their cell phone to school must keep their phones in their backpacks at all times and may not use them at any time during the school day. We do not encourage elementary students to wear SMART watches as they can be very distracting to learning. Students and families who need to get in contact with one another must go through our school office.
Additionally, we are NOT responsible for any lost or stolen personal devices including cell phones, SMART watches or any other personal electronic devices.
We ask parents to not call or text their child during the day on a personal cell phone or SMART watch. If you must get in touch with your child for any reason, please call our school office at 651-423-7670 or send an email to your child’s classroom teacher.
Thank you for your support and cooperation with these requests.
Erik Davis
Principal, Shannon Park Elementary School