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District 196 Cell Phone / Smartwatch / Personal Electronic Devices 

Students who bring cell phones or other personal electronic devices to school with them do so at their own risk. District 196 assumes no responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of a phone or electronic device brought to school and will not assume responsibility for investigating loss or theft of such items. If brought to school, phones/devices should generally be kept out of sight, preferably locked in a locker. District 196 staff may take away cell phones and other personal electronic devices from students who misuse them or have them out when they should be put away. In some cases, students may also lose the privilege of bringing a cell phone or other personal electronic device to school. Parents/guardians are asked to limit calling/texting their children during the school day as that can be disruptive. Students and families should review their individual school’s cell phone and personal device expectations.

  • High schools are using a phone caddy in the classroom model
  • Middle schools have an off-and-away model

Shannon Park Personal Technology Policy

Students are accessing personal devices including cell phones and SMART watches at earlier ages than what we have seen in previous years. We know that some students are using cell phones as a means for communication with family members before/after school hours. As a reminder, cell phones and SMART watches are not to be used during the school hours for any reasons. Students who choose to bring their cell phone to school must keep their phones in their backpacks at all times and may not use them at any time during the school day. We do not encourage elementary students to wear SMART watches as they can be very distracting to learning. Students and families who need to get in contact with one another must go through our school office.  Additionally, we are NOT responsible for any lost or stolen personal devices including cell phones, SMART watches or any other personal electronic devices. We ask parents to not call or text their child during the day on a personal cell phone or SMART watch. If you must get in touch with your child for any reason, please call our school office at 651-423-7670 or send an email to your child’s classroom teacher.  Thank you for your support and cooperation with these requests.